Thursday, May 11, 2006

Alopecia Areata - House call: expert advice on health and fitness

Q My 16-year-old daughter is terribly disturbed because a lot of her hair falls out for no apparent reason. What can cause this to happen to an apparently healthy teenager?

M.N., Charlotte, N.C.

A This can be a terrible situation for a teenager who is possibly being teased by her peers in high school. The first thing you should do is make an appointment for your daughter to see a physician, who can determine the Cause of your daughter's extreme hair loss.

Although not so common at her age, she could be experiencing the effects of a condition called Alopecia Areata, which is a progressive condition that's characterized by loss of hair. The cause is unknown, and unpredictable hair loss is the only noticeable symptom, doctors say. Regrowth of hair may or may not occur, and the hair loss is usually confined to the head and face, although the entire body may be involved.

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