Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Great Health in 3 Simple Steps

Do you want great health, abundant energy, a fit, pain-free body, better-quality sleep, and an incredible sense of overall well-being? How would you like to wake up refreshed each morning and literally jump out of bed, filled with energy, vitality, and an eagerness to get things started? For most people, all the benefits of great health are just 3 relatively simple steps away.

But before you get too excited, remember that "simple" doesn't always mean "easy." The 3 steps you have to take to achieve incredible health and vitality are not really easy for most people. If you've eaten junk your entire life and rarely exercise, the transition to great health doesn't happen without a good amount of effort and a real desire to change.

Fortunately, the process can be significantly shortened -- and your chances of success dramatically improved -- by using the power of momentum. If you have to push a big boulder down a hill, 98% of the effort is made during the first few seconds. But once it gets going, it's difficult to stop!

The same is true when it comes to healthy living and developing positive habits. The first few weeks will be tough. But then it gets easier and easier, until it's so easy -- and the benefits so noticeable -- that it actually becomes enjoyable! This is how positive habits are formed. Most experts agree that, if you can do something on a daily basis for 21 days, it will become a habit.

So what are these 3 simple but powerful steps to great health and vitality? Here you go...

1. Positive Thoughts Are Vital

If you want to enjoy great health -- and a much better life all around -- you first have to "clear out" your mind and start thinking positive thoughts. Get rid of the junk -- all the negative, energy-zapping thoughts you're carrying in your mind -- and replace it with the good stuff. Positive thoughts are extremely energizing and they always lead to good things; it's as simple as that!

Fortunately, there are many good books and programs that can help you develop a positive thinking habit. But getting started is as simple as avoiding negative people, negative news, and negative activities. Force yourself to think only positive thoughts for 21 days and see how your energy and confidence literally skyrockets. Also, consider daily meditation, a proven method that's been practiced for thousands of years!

2. Eat Like a Caveman

Humans evolved over millions of years on a very basic (but extremely healthful) diet of greens, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, some tubers, small amounts of fruit, and water. Our bodies haven't had time to adapt to handle the foods most people eat, especially refined grains and sugars. Many health experts agree that this is a major reason for many of the epidemic health problems we face, including heart disease, cancer, and obesity.

The best option for most people is to follow a "caveman"-type diet. Basically, if a food didn't exist 3000 years ago, don't eat it! Base your diet around green, leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, small amounts of lean meats and fish, some healthy tubers (like sweet potato) and small amounts of fruit. Obviously, changing to this type of diet isn't easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. And most people notice such a positive change in their energy levels after only a week on this diet that they never want to go off of it!

3. Exercise First Thing in the Morning

For optimum health, exercise is a must. You probably already know that. But what you may not know is that exercising first thing in the morning is the key to getting maximum benefit AND enjoyment from just about any type of exercise you do. Exercising in the morning refreshes you, gets the blood pumping, "wakes up" your brain, and puts you in a positive mood that will carry over into everything you do for the rest of the day. It will be much easier to think positive thoughts and eat healthy foods.

Also, studies show that people who exercise first thing in the morning are much more likely to stick to a health and fitness program over the long term. Just remember to find something you enjoy, whether it's walking, biking, swimming, strength training or playing a favorite sport. No matter what, be extremely careful that you don't "train" yourself to hate exercise by choosing an activity you really dislike (like treadmill running!) or attempting to do too much exercise too fast. Also, if possible, always try to workout outdoors.

A Few Tips

Don't try to make all of the above changes at once. Definitely begin to develop a "positive thinking" habit first. It's not too difficult and the benefits are enormous. Then begin to incorporate a basic "caveman-style" diet and morning exercise into your daily routine. Start simply and make the process as enjoyable as possible. Remember, the key to long-term success is developing habits and enjoying the journey.

Warning: If you have a health condition be sure to check with your doctor before making any dietary or exercise changes.

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