Saturday, July 29, 2006

Back in action - Health Fitness

Maintaining a strong, healthy, pain-free back is a top priority for sisters on the go. But as important as a sound back may be to us, summer is coming and we also want to look good in tank tops, bathing suits and strapless dresses. These six exercises will not only help ease back problems but also build strength and add definition you'll want to show off this season, says Tara J. Simpson, a personal trainer in Tallahassee, Florida. For best results she suggests doing three sets of 15 to 20 repetitions of the exercises and combining them with regular cardio workouts.


Works the mid and lower back

Lie facedown on a stability ball, positioning it in the middle of your stomach, with your feet on the floor. Extend arms straight out in front of you from the shoulders. Contract abs to support the back, and look down at the floor to keep your neck aligned with your spine. Exhale as you lift your arms two to six inches higher than your heed. Hold for five seconds. Inhale as you lower your arms to the starting position. Note: If you're a beginner or have a previous back injury, do this move on the floor without the ball, raising one arm and its opposite leg for five seconds.


Works the mid back

Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width apart while holding a dumbbell weighing between two and ten pounds in each hand, palms facing back and knees slightly bent. Inhale and bend forward from hips, keeping your eyes focused forward and back straight. Make sure you don't round or curve your back. Reach for your toes with the weights in each hand, keeping arms straight. Contract abs to keep the back straight and support the spine. Exhale as you return to a standing position.


Works upper back

Place left knee and left hand on a flat bench, coffee table or couch. Keep knee aligned with hip and hand aligned with shoulders. Hold one dumbbell, 5 to 20 pounds, in your right hand, palms facing your side and your back parallel to the floor; contract your abs. Making sure not to hunch your shoulders, exhale slowly as you bring the weight up toward your waist, bending the elbow and keeping it close to your body. Inhale as you straighten the arm.

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