Monday, August 07, 2006

Fitness: jiggleproof arms - Health

Tip: These exercises require dumbbells and either a stability ball or fitness bands. Bands cost about $5 to $10, stability balls $25 to $35. You can buy them all at sporting-goods and department stores and superstores nationwide.

JIGGLEPROOF ARMS June is bustin' out all over. Time to throw off that bulky sweater and exercise your right to bare arms--in short sleeves and halter tops. But if your arms have gone from fit to flabby, you may be tempted to keep them covered. Don't. By modifying your workout to include moves to target your biceps, triceps and shoulders, you will be able to see results in four to six weeks. Kathy Murray, a personal trainer and owner of the Fit Bodies Fitness Studio in Atlanta, suggests these five essential arm exercises


Works the chest, triceps and shoulders

Holding a 3-to-8-pound dumbbell in each hand, sit on stability ball. Slowly walk feet forward, rolling ball under body until the ball is supporting the upper back, shoulders and head. Your lower torso should be straight, abdominal muscles tight. With arms by your sides at shoulder level, bend elbows 90 degrees with palms facing forward. Push the dumbbells up and in, so that your arms are extended and the ends of the dumbbells nearly touch. Pause, then slowly lower the weights to the starting position. Do one to three sets of ten to 12 reps.


Works the biceps

Stand on a fitness band with feet about shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. Hold band in hands with palms up and arms at your sides. Bend your elbows, contract your biceps and pull the band up as far as you can without moving your upper arms. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position. Do one to three sets of ten to 12 reps.


Works the triceps, chest and shoulders

Sit on a flat bench or wide sturdy chair. Place hands close to your hips on the seat with palms down and fingers facing forward. Place your feet shoulder width apart and about two feet in front of you, legs at a 90-degree angle, with most of your weight over your arms, and elbows tucked close to your sides. Slide your hips off the edge of the bench, keeping your butt close to it. Bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Straighten your arms to return to starting position. Do one to three sets of five to ten repetitions, depending on your arm strength.

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