Monday, August 07, 2006

Identifying alcoholism - House call: expert advice on health and fitness

Q My 24-year-old son drinks a lot, beer, wine and liquor. He's just like his father. My fear is that he is an alcoholic. How can I find out if he really is an alcoholic? And is alcoholism inherited?

A.T., Macon, Ga.

A Doctors often use a series of questions as one way to determine if a person is alcohol-dependent. They want to know if the person has ever felt the need to cut down on drinking; ever been annoyed by people criticizing their drinking; ever felt guilty about their drinking; or ever had a drink the first thing in the morning to steady their nerves or to get rid of a hangover.

A "yes" answer to one question suggests a possible problem, doctors say. More than one "yes" answer is an indication that it's highly likely that he or she has a problem. A doctor can suggest the best way to get help.

There is continuing research on alcoholism. And doctors say a child of an alcoholic parent will not automatically develop alcoholism. Conversely, a person with no family history of alcoholism can become alcohol-dependent.

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