Thursday, August 17, 2006

Just the FAQS: answers to Frequently asked questions on health & Fitness - q&a

Q I get conflicting advice on how to train my arms for a shapely, sexy look. One person tells me that if I train them like guys do, my arms will end up looking like a dude's. Someone else says the same training approach works for both sexes; that the genetic differences between us will produce different looks no matter what. Who's right?


Vero Beach, Florida

A Saryn Muldrow, 1996 Fitness Olympia winner, responds: "It depends on your individual genetics for arm development, but as a general rule, women don't need to train arms any differently than men do. Try doing barbell curls, hammer curls and one-arm cable curls for biceps; and dumbbell kickbacks, one-arm overhead cable extensions and bar pressdowns for triceps. I recommend doing no more than three exercises for bi's and three for tri's per arm workout. Choose a weight that produces a real bum -- where you feel like you can't press or squeeze out one more rep -- at 10-15 reps, then increase the weight once you can exceed 15. Rest 30-45 seconds between sets and only slighter longer between exercises to allow for a change of weights or apparatus."

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