Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Thighs, thighs, thighs - Body talk: Black health and fitness

IF you believe the experts, there are basically two paths you can take on the road to firmer, fit thighs--diet and regular exercise, or minor plastic surgery. The pros and cons of both methods are quite clear. Pros of exercise: Fitness experts contend that the most effective, most reliable, and in the end, most rewarding way to tone your thighs is by working out and eating right. Cons: You won't get results overnight. Ask those buff bodies that you see in the gym--they'll be the first to tell you that it takes patience and determination to look as good as they do.

Pros of plastic surgery: For a few hundred dollars, a plastic surgeon will suck the fat right out of your thighs, right there on the spot, or at least diminish the appearance of cellulite. Cons: You have to thoroughly research your plastic surgeon's background to avoid health hazards; your recovery may take a few weeks; and furthermore, if your goal is to lose weight, this isn't the procedure for you. "Liposuction is a contour technique, not a weight-loss technique," warns Chicago plastic surgeon Elton X. Tinsley, who specializes in Black skin care.

If you choose to work your way to shapelier thighs, there are some easy thigh-sculpting moves that you can do at work or at home. (Be sure to visit a doctor before beginning any new fitness routine.) In the gym, there are a number of target-specific weight machines that can whip your thighs into miniskirt shape, so be sure to consult with a fitness trainer to choose the best thigh machines for you.

Here are five manual thigh-toners that are guaranteed to give your lower body a good workout:

1 PULL-IN PLIES. A favorite among ballet dancers and fitness trainers, this exercise is designed to tone your thighs and burn the fat. First position: Place a weighted bar in your arms in front of your body. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your thighs, knees and toes should be slightly rotated outward. Bend your knees (directly over your toes) gently. Lift with your arches away from the floor. Second position: Keep your back upright, straighten your legs, and slide your right leg toward your left leg. As you slide your leg, be certain to keep your toes in contact with the floor until your heels touch. Return your right leg to the starting position and slide in your left leg. (Do 10 repetitions on each leg.)

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