Wednesday, September 20, 2006

FITNESS - tips



Maria Bronaugh, 30, Milwaukee Finding Time: "I'm a single mother with an 8-year-old daughter, a 7-year-old son and a 5-month-old daughter. Despite my hectic days as a mentor and teacher, I manage to work out three or four days a week. How? I found a gym with activities for the kids. While I work out, they can go swimming, take tennis lessons, walk through a maze or play computer games."

Fitness Formula: "So I don't get bored, I cross-train. Running and lifting weights are my favorite activities because they make me feel rejuvenated. I also use the stair climber and take Spinning [cycling] and aerobics classes."

Motivation: "I want to stay active and healthy for my children. Once I go for a run, I'm calmer and I have more patience with them. Weight training keeps me toned. I don't know what I'd do without the extra energy my workouts give me."

Advice: * "Get your children involved. Go bike riding or swimming together; take long walks or dance classes." * "Reach out to other moms. A friend can watch your children while you work out, and vice versa."

BUYING IT: Bottled Water

Not long ago we would have laughed at the idea of paying for what we could get free: [H.sub.2]O. Then all those bottled-water companies began offering wet stuff we assumed was superior in taste and purity to tap water. But a recent study from the Natural Resources Defense Council, a national nonprofit organization, found 33 percent of the 103 brands tested to be contaminated with bacteria; some had excess fluoride and even arsenic!

Most bottled water is safe, but if you want to be sure, stick with brands that are members of the International Bottled Water Association, a trade organization that sets high purity standards and ensures quality through unannounced plant inspections. Top-selling members include Arrowhead and Evian. Call (800) WATER-11 to see if your favorite brand is a member. Also read the label. Federal guidelines require bottlers to name the source of water on labels. Artesian, mineral and spring water come from natural sources.

Shoulder Toner

To lift that baby or bag of groceries with ease, try this shoulder exercise demonstrated by New York personal trainer and actress Cheryl Simone. How to do it: Stand with your feet hip width apart and knees slightly bent. (1) Hold a light free weight in each hand with your arms hanging straight down beside your thighs, palms facing inward. (2) Take three seconds to lift your left arm forward to just below shoulder height. Don't bend your elbow. Pause for one second, then lower arm for three seconds to the starting position. Do two sets of 16 to 20 repetitions. Repeat with your right arm. Do two days a week.

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