Thursday, November 23, 2006

Cherish your weight-loss trigger

Many successful losers cite a single experience as their "trigger"--the final straw that made them drop extra pounds, says Michael Dansinger, M.D., a weight-loss researcher at Tufts-New England School of Medicine in Boston. Here, two Shape readers describe theirs.

* LISA JOHNSON, 38, of Eagle Lake, Minn., was at the hospital after her brother suffered a stroke. She and six siblings decided to go for a hike to clear their heads. "I couldn't keep up," Johnson recalls, and she knew her weight was the reason. She joined Weight Watchers and dropped an impressive 125 pounds.

* JEAN MUENSTER, 42, a Studio City, Calif., accountant, was on vacation in Alaska when she was turned down for both horseback and kayaking excursions because she was over the weight limit. Muenster lost 147 pounds by controlling her portions and working out.-K.D.

Have you experienced a weight-loss trigger? Write it down below.

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