Thursday, November 23, 2006

Questions and answers about the new National Boards for fitness professionals

What is the National Board of Fitness Examiners (NBFE) and How Does It Work?

The NBFE was founded in 2003 as a non-profit organization for two principal purposes. First, the NBFE will address and define a series of prescribed "scopes of practice" for all fitness professionals. Second, the NBFE will determine the "standards of practice" for various fitness professionals, including floor instructors, group exercise instructors, general personal trainers, specialists in areas such as youth and senior fitness, and medical exercise specialists.

"Standards of practice" are a set of skills and a body of knowledge that a fitness professional is expected to master in order to meet the highest standards of the field. The first formal standards of practice to be issued by the NBFE will focus on personal fitness trainers. Based on these standards of practice, the NBFE will go on to generate standardized national examinations for personal fitness trainers in collaboration with a leading international testing organization starting in March or April 2005.

A "standardized" national exam is one that measures the same body of knowledge, skill and competence in the same way for all test-takers. Thus, everyone who successfully completes a National Board exam has proven that he or she meets the same national standard of excellence, regardless of where he or she lives or which courses he or she has taken.

The first exam will be titled "The NBFE Personal Fitness Trainer Examination." By passing the exam, a fitness professional will be permitted to use the title "NBFE Registered PFT" (National Board of Fitness Examiners Registered Personal Fitness Trainer) and will enjoy the prestige and confidence that will come with being registered with the NBFE.

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