Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Helpful Tips to Avoid Hospital Stays During Cold and Flu Season

Anybody who has children knows how hard it is to see them feeling bad from a cold or the flu. We all know that being sick every now and then is a part of life, but there are some simple things that you can do help keep them from getting sick. Much of what you can do doesn’t involve changing what you do, but how you do it. Hospitals, Children’s Hospitals and Pediatricians can help you with other preventative tips as well.

The best thing that you can do for you child is to wash their hands well and wash them often. If they go to a play area, are riding in a grocery cart or come in contact with a child that is sick, you should wash their hands as soon as you can. If you aren’t going to be near a sink and soap, carry some antibacterial hand cleaner in your bag. You can also buy antibacterial wipes in small packages that you can use before you put your child in a shopping cart. You don’t have to overdo it, but you also don’t want to overdo it

Teach your child to not eat or drink after another child. This doesn’t mean that they can’t share food with a friend, but they should split the food or snack before they begin eating. Even if the other child doesn’t appear to be sick, they might be at the very beginning stages of a sickness which is often the most contagious stage.

Avoid hospitals and sick family members and friends. Even if you have been planning for your parents to come see your newborn baby for the very first time, if one of them has a cold they could make your baby sick and being around sick people during cold and flu season can increase your child’s risk of developing RSV or other dangerous complications that could require a hospital stay.

You don’t have to stay at home hiding from the world during cold and flu season. What you do need to do is to take precautions and use common sense to help your child stay cold and flu free. Yes, they will get colds once in a while, but you can significantly decrease their chances if you follow these and other helpful tips that hospitals and doctors offices suggest you follow.

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